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Vintage Gems and Local Makers: Shopping Some of Sonoma County’s Most Unique Stores with Mercedes Hernandez

Written by: SOMO Village
Published on: January 17, 2024

Vintage Gems and Local Makers: Shopping Some of Sonoma County’s Most Unique Stores with Mercedes Hernandez 

Graphic image with headshot of Mercedes Hernandez with text "Vintage Gems and Local Makers in Sonoma County"When it comes to finding some of the best local shops, makers, and artisans in Sonoma County, Mercedes Hernandez is a pro.

Having launched both Holee Vintage, the first and only vintage shop in Sonoma County, and SoCo Market, Mercedes is an expert curator with a finger on the pulse of most unique local shopping.

We asked Mercedes to share some of her favorite local shops, brands, and makers. Here’s what we learned. 

Stylized text that says "Holee Vintage"1. Holee Vintage

“Holee Vintage is a co-op business and we have 20 businesses who sell in-store with us,” explains Mercedes. “This is alongside local makers who sell products like candles and jewelry in-store as well. So, there are tons of unique businesses under one roof which both allow them the opportunity to sell in-store and also help with the massive investment of opening a brick-and-mortar store.”

She adds, “We work with so many great businesses at Holee Vintage. What’s cool is that a lot of the vendors are so young—many of them under 21 years old. It’s awesome to have a community of young entrepreneurs here, hustling and grinding to get their work out there.”

Some of the notable vendors featured at Holee Vintage include: 

  • VTG: Based in the Bay Area, VTG also sells its curated finds at Holee Vintage. They have an awesome collection with items like Harley Davidson tees, band tees, and a lot that focuses on the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s styles.
  • Endless Vintage: Endless Vintage is another great curator who sells in-store at Holee Vintage. They have collections of tees, jackets, jeans, sweaters, and so much more.
  • Not Your Baby: Another popular brand at Holee Vintage is Not Your Baby, which brings in a lot of the femware and curated vintage pieces for women. 

“Besides clothing, we also have two sneaker resellers in-store with us as well,” says Mercedes. “So, when you come into the store you can shop vintage, head to the sneaker wall, or visit the local maker section in-store, too.”

2. Falling for Dainty

This business is located in Healdsburg and sells beautiful fine and permanent jewelry. They just opened up this past year and used to be part of the SoCo Market when just starting—it’s amazing to see where they are now! 

3. Blooming Coast

The owner of Blooming Coast used to be in the Marines but is now a young entrepreneur selling plants. They offer a variety of interior plants, artisan items, and plant styling options. 

4. Your Balloon Dream

Your Balloon Dream is a cool local business that does balloon installations. The owner started around the same time as I did and participated in the first-ever SoCo Market doing out balloon displays. They’ve grown a lot and have some big clients now, like Sonoma State and the casino.

If you’re interested in shopping vintage in Sonoma County, make sure to check out Holee Vintage and the businesses they work with! The storefront is located at 529 Fourth Street in Santa Rosa. 

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