Francesco Echo

Musician & Artist Francesco Echo is a multifaceted creative who has spent a lifetime exploring music and visual art. Hailing from scenic Sonoma County, CA his music is evocative of the region’s lush and textural terroir.

Francesco Echo


Atmospheric vocals gust over emotive guitar arrangements like salt air combing across eroded rock-ribbed landscapes. Electrified by the prospect of no-holds-barred adventure and inspired by the chaos that is the human psyche, Francesco delivers introspective lyrics with a calming vocal timbre to spin a web of intimate and impressionistic music.

In his visual works, Echo explores the themes of contrast, awareness, symbiosis, and the fantastical wonderment that is the child-like spirit of limitlessness and oneness. Fueled by dreams of grandeur and by the desire to acquire and hone visceral skills, Francesco has journeyed through the realms of painting, film photography, ceramics, sculpture, and videography. As with his music, Echo’s visual art is ultimately an extension of his identity; a quest to maintain a completely creative lifestyle. Francesco Echo has built his foundation with a broad set of skills and has sights set on the acquisition of knowledge and a life un-adultered creative expression.


Meshed Metal Sculpture
